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Supporting the North West Centre for Heart & Lung Transplantation
New Start relies entirely on donations made by the many friends and supporters we have. The majority of our supporters are made up of friends and family of recipients, waiting list patients and people directly effected by heart and lung transplant issues.
We are very grateful to our many supporters who willingly give their time to organise and run fund raising events for the benefit of the charity and therefore directly improving the transplant experience for all our patients.
In the About Us and Patient Benefits section of our website we describe the fantastic facilities, equipment and new clinical techniques that New Start has funded over the years. There are always improvements to be made and new techniques to be considered in the transplant service that is offered by the Wythenshawe Transplant Centre.
However the NHS funding we receive only goes so far to support this, we are therefore continually working hard to raise additional funds to continue to offer the excellent transplant service which had been established over the last 25 years.